In the United States, 30 hours or less a week is defined as a part-time job but can vary widely depending on the company. CanadaĬanadians consider 30 hours per week as part-time. The average part-time employee in Australia works 17 hours per week. In Australia, part-time work is defined as an employee who works less than 38 hours a week. This figure will often be a recommendation for employers.

However, 30 hours per week and anything less is considered part-time employment. There is no such set of hours in the UK that constitute part-time work. Here are the average number of part-time hours in the top 5 countries abroad: The United Kingdom Part-time office workers frequently work morning or afternoon shifts for 20 hours a week. When working for your first retail job as a student, you may have to put in only 10 to 15 hours per week. Depending on your position and the type of company you work for, you can expect a range of working hours. However, many companies have reduced it recently. If we talk about it historically, the standard work time for a part-time job should be 40 hours maximum, and anything less is considered a part-time job. Discover the ideal number of part-time hours! You also learn to improve yourself, Find, develop, and use strength and know that mistakes are opportunities for improvement. It, in turn, makes you a responsible individual and willing to take responsibility for your actions. You get a taste of independence at a ripe age, you crave more going forward in your life, and you feel grateful that you gave part-time jobs a try while studying at university. One of the main benefits of a part-time job as a student is that it gives you a chance to discover more about who you are and what you want to do in your life. Part-time job leaves employees more time and energy for other pursuits. A part-time job is especially convenient for young students, parents, retirees, people who want to come up with their business ideas and need plenty of time, and all other workers who don’t need a full-time job. Part-time employees are given the same employment benefits as full-time employees. If employees regularly work fewer than 30 hours per week then they are often regarded as part-time. Part-time work or a part-time job is working on flexible hours which means working less than full-time hours. A part-time job helps students fund their education, and gain valuable skills and experience! What is a Part-time job? Take control of your financial future with part-time work benefits as a student.